Good Samaritan Policy

In keeping with Augustinian values that promote a caring community, the health and safety of students should be of paramount concern for all Villanova community members. As such, Villanova students are expected to exercise active care and concern and contact appropriate authorities in the event of any health or safety emergency, even if violations of the University alcohol or drug policy may have occurred in connection with such an emergency. 

Since a student’s concern of possible disciplinary action may unnecessarily deter their desire to seek emergency attention for themselves or others, the University has adopted a Good Samaritan Policy to remove barriers for students seeking emergency attention during alcohol and drug related incidents. This policy is intended to create an environment where students receive necessary care, and those involved are provided an opportunity for educational follow-up. 


In situations where someone requires emergency attention during an alcohol or drug related incident on or off campus, all students are expected to: 

  1. Immediately and proactively contact an appropriate authority (e.g. Public Safety, Resident Assistant, 911) to seek emergency attention. 
  2. Remain with the individual requiring emergency attention until emergency responders arrive and provide any necessary information to responders. 

For Students Who Seek Emergency Attention For Another

A student who has sought assistance for another and met the expectations as described above will be exempt from formal disciplinary sanctions for alcohol or drug policy violations related to the incident. The student may still be referred for educational follow-up or other administrative outcomes. Additionally, this policy does not prevent disciplinary action for violations of other University policies and does not prevent action by outside authorities.

For Students Who Require Emergency Attention

A student requiring emergency attention who has received support in accordance with the above expectations may be referred for appropriate follow-up under the Code of Student Conduct for alcohol or drug policy violations related to the incident. However, the student will typically be exempt from a disciplinary process, except as set forth below. The student may still be referred for educational follow-up, other educational requirements and/or administrative outcomes. This policy does not prevent disciplinary action for violations of other University policies and does not prevent action by outside authorities. 

The Good Samaritan Policy is intended to create an environment where students will be afforded an opportunity to learn from the incident and exercise more responsible decision making in the future. As such, the University reserves the right to sanction students with repeated alcohol or drug related incidents involving the need for emergency attention. 

In cases of repeated violations, if applicable, the University will consider whether a student sought assistance for another and may constitute this as a mitigating factor. Therefore, students should always contact an appropriate authority to seek emergency attention.  

Responding to Additional Violations

The Good Samaritan Policy does not exempt any student from disciplinary sanctions for violations of other (i.e. non-alcohol or drug) policies related to the incident including, but not limited to, sexual misconduct, physical or mental harm, hazing, disorderly or indecent conduct, failure to comply, theft, dangerous practices, or vandalism. The University reserves the right to sanction students in cases of repeated or egregious violations, or where there may be an ongoing threat to the University community. 

Student Clubs and Organizations

Student organizations are expected to act in emergency situations both on and off campus. An organization’s compliance with the above expectations may be considered a mitigating factor when determining the University’s response to an incident that merits disciplinary sanctions for the organization. In contrast, a student organization’s failure to act in accordance with the above expectations during an emergency, or any attempt to conceal such an incident, will be considered an aggravating factor and will undermine their status as a recognized organization.