Fire Safety Policies

  1. Tampering with, misuse of, attempt, intent, or conspiracy to misuse or damage firefighting equipment (extinguishers, smoke detectors, alarms, sprinklers, exit signs, etc.) will likely result in disciplinary probation. Violations may also result in loss of campus residency or suspension, plus other disciplinary measures.
  2. The intentional misuse of or conspiracy to misuse any fire alarm system will result in suspension, as a minimum.
  3. Propping or otherwise tampering with the proper operation of fire doors, or exiting through “emergency exit only” doors in non-emergencies will result in disciplinary action.
  4. Students may not disregard a fire alarm or refuse to evacuate a building in which an alarm is sounding, regardless of its nature (drill, false alarm or actual alert). Students who fail to evacuate a building in a voluntary and timely manner will be subject to disciplinary action.

Please refer to the Residence Life policies for additional fire safety regulations concerning on-campus residence halls and apartments.